Sunday, September 11

Class 1 - introduction to hackin

on the first class it was mostly introduction of it, i really did not like the idea of an online class since from past experience i have not done very well in the online classes. I do prefer to have a teacher infront of me teaching the subject so whenever i have a question i can just raise my hand or stay after class and ask questions, so on this first class we cover what we are going to do throughout the whole semester, we talked on on a few subjects that we are going to talk such as Malware, vulnerability and exploits as well as programming and reverse engineering, etc.

our first lab for this class was to get a few operating systems and configure them with specific programs that we are going to be using in the semester, we installed XP sp3, an XP fully patched, Win7, ubuntu, and Damn vulnerable linux.

there were a series of programs to install and once installed them I signed up on the mailing list for python 2.6
i would say that i had heard of most of the programs we had to install but i just never really used them or had any experience with them. I am excited of using them and learning how to attack other OS clients

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