Sunday, September 25

Class 3 - Python!!!! HACKING!!

During this class we focused on python and we learned some basics on how to use it, in class i dont know if i am the only that feels liek this but i just dont think we went through the program very well i just did not understand how to use it well, i had troble with the coding part and had to ask for help to my other peers and at the end I was able to to get my lab working but if it wasnt for my peers i would have never been able to complete it. i would like to go over this topic again but in more detail.

I find this program to be amazing just because of the things that can be accomplish by coding out a script and running it, you will be able to obtain a lot of information and not just information probably even control something or run something in the background.

for our lab this week, we had to open a connection with a public web server and then be able to obtain GET request from the page using HTTP and a HEAD request , also the program should include and return the value and display the server banner, the date of the day, and the status.
This is how i came up with the code, ofcourse with the help of my peers just like i mention before i would have never been able to complete it without their help

import httplib #import library
connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('')  # set connection to desired URL
connection.request('HEAD', '/index.html') #  Use GET to query the web site index
getResp = connection.getresponse()  # Gathers large string from GET command
server = getResp.getheader('server')  # use getresponse to getheader("specific instance")
date = getResp.getheader('date')
status = getResp.status
print 'Server Name is: ' + server
print 'Date : ' + date
print 'Status : ' + str(status) + " " + getResp.reason # converts status to string and concats it to status =

That is the code put in python that did the job :)

Saturday, September 17

Class 2 - Hacking

On our second class of the semester, we talked about Malwares and the history of Malwares that first came out, we talked about the creeper virus which was the first virus built, and once it ran it would display a message on the screen with the text "Catch me if you can!". this virus was then deleted or erase with a program called reaper. We also talked about other viruses that came out after that main one that started the "Malware", we also focused on what other programs we can use to detect malware such as honeypots. found the class interesting since I learned a few tools that can be use to detects malware.

For our lab this week, we were assigned to download nepenthes on our ubuntu box, and then I downloaded a few scanner programs and analysis tools such as, malcode, debugger and cff explorer.\

i played with them and learned somewhat on how to use them, with the network analysis tool when i played with it i was able to see IP addresses that were trying to access the Operating system i was using, such as packets trying to get in.

I would have loved to play with nepenthes but i just did not know how to use it very well and did not have anything to test it with, it would have been great to learn how to use this piece of software.

I find the class interesting but one thing that i noticed in the class is that we talk about the programs we are going to be using but we never really get to play with them in class and get to know the programs, that one thing i would like the class to do so that we can actually have experience using those programs.

Sunday, September 11

Class 1 - introduction to hackin

on the first class it was mostly introduction of it, i really did not like the idea of an online class since from past experience i have not done very well in the online classes. I do prefer to have a teacher infront of me teaching the subject so whenever i have a question i can just raise my hand or stay after class and ask questions, so on this first class we cover what we are going to do throughout the whole semester, we talked on on a few subjects that we are going to talk such as Malware, vulnerability and exploits as well as programming and reverse engineering, etc.

our first lab for this class was to get a few operating systems and configure them with specific programs that we are going to be using in the semester, we installed XP sp3, an XP fully patched, Win7, ubuntu, and Damn vulnerable linux.

there were a series of programs to install and once installed them I signed up on the mailing list for python 2.6
i would say that i had heard of most of the programs we had to install but i just never really used them or had any experience with them. I am excited of using them and learning how to attack other OS clients